Blog, Communications 17 May 2022 The app your Community needs before the Storm hits Excessive amounts of toilet paper? Check. Bathtub filled with water? Check. Enough canned beans for five years of Moros y… Sasha Cancél
Blog, Communications 02 Feb 2022 Big dreams, small beginnings: the tech start-up disrupting the Community Association industry You’ve probably read those stories about successful companies having started in a garage and asked yourself—is that true? Well, in… Sasha Cancél
Blog, Communications, Resident Experience 16 Dec 2021 You’ve got mail: a short history of packages and shipments—from the Egyptians to the Smartphone Every year, the top courier companies—USPS, Fedex, DHL, and UPS, to name a few—transport billions of packages around the world,… Sasha Cancél
Blog, Online Voting 16 Dec 2021 Why voting matters: the importance of making your voice heard You might not know this, but you might want to thank the Netherlands United East Indies Company—the world’s first multinational,… Sasha Cancél
Blog, Online Voting 01 Dec 2021 The Power of One: A brief history of voting When it comes to addressing large-scale structural problems that affect us as a society—whether it is climate change or local… Sasha Cancél