7 Hurricane Preparedness Tips

September 25, 2024
September 25, 2024 Sasha Cancél

Hurricanes are the most powerful storms in nature, and they are becoming stronger every year. Their wind gusts can reach 200 mph, causing devastating effects, torrential rains, and catastrophic storm surges. For those living in hurricane-prone areas (hi, Florida!), hurricane preparedness is not just advisable—it’s essential.

Over the years, we have faced several hurricanes and gained valuable knowledge on how to protect our properties and community. We developed this guide to provide detailed strategies for securing your home, ensuring the safety of your community, and effectively addressing the challenges presented by these powerful weather events.

Before diving into preparation tactics, it’s crucial to understand the threats hurricanes present:

  1. Wind Damage: Hurricane-force winds can cause structural damage and create deadly projectiles from everyday objects. That cute pot you left on the balcony can easily become a destructive missile. 
  2. Flooding: Both storm surge and inland flooding pose significant risks, often extending far beyond coastal areas. Property managers should survey the ground level and underground parking; protect accordingly with sandbags or water barriers.
  3. Power Outages: Widespread and prolonged blackouts are common, affecting everything from food storage to medical equipment. Make sure there’s a backup generator in good condition. 
  4. Post-Storm Hazards: Contaminated water, weakened structures, and displaced wildlife create dangers that persist long after the storm passes. Have a plan. 
  5. Additionally, service requests related to last-minute home inspections or repairs should be expedited. Ensure that critical work orders, such as roof repairs or sealing cracks, are prioritized before the storm hits to prevent greater damage.

1. Stay Informed and Plan Ahead:

One of the most crucial steps in hurricane preparedness is staying informed. Keep a close eye on weather updates and warnings from trusted sources such as the National Hurricane Center or local authorities. Create a comprehensive emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and important contact numbers. Ensure that all community members are aware of the plan and understand their responsibilities.


2. Create a Communication Plan:

If you’re responsible for managing a community, it’s essential to have a reliable system in place to communicate with residents before and after a hurricane. Using property management software, you can streamline the communication process and ensure that every resident receives timely and accurate information. Utilize ONR’s notification features to send out mass alerts, updates, and evacuation instructions to residents via email, text messages (often have a higher success rate during emergencies), or in-app notifications. This ensures that everyone is aware of the situation and can take necessary precautions.

3. Managing Pets in a Hurricane

Pets are also vulnerable during hurricanes, and community members must plan accordingly. Encourage residents to include emergency kits for their animals with food, water, and medication. Property managers should ensure that any service requests related to securing pet areas, such as fences or gates, are addressed before the storm hits. Afterward, assist in reuniting displaced pets with their owners through community platforms and communication tools.

4. Vehicle and Parking Preparations

Parking areas are highly vulnerable during storms, especially underground garages that may flood. Property managers should recommend that residents relocate vehicles to safer, elevated areas before the storm arrives. Inspect and address any service requests for parking structures, ensuring gates, drainage, and other critical components are functioning properly to prevent vehicle damage.

ONR Notifications Hurricane5. Assign Responsibilities for Securing the Property:

Before the storm arrives, address any work orders related to ongoing maintenance tasks, especially those focused on storm preparation like clearing gutters or sealing windows. Keeping a detailed log of service requests helps ensure all essential tasks are completed before the storm and allows for quick action on repairs after it passes.

It’s crucial to assign specific responsibilities to ensure that the property is adequately secured before a hurricane strikes. Using a property management software like ONR to create task lists and
assign duties to maintenance staff. This helps streamline the process and ensures that all necessary preparations, such as securing windows, clearing drains, and removing outdoor objects, are completed efficiently and in a timely manner.

6. Management Checklist

Create an emergency plan and share it with your community. Platforms like ONR allow you to send emergency notifications and keep residents informed at every stage of the storm:

  • 1 week before the potential landfall
  • 48 hours before the expected impact
  • During the hurricane
  • Immediately after the storm
  • In the days following the event

After the hurricane passes:

  1. Wait for the official all-clear before venturing out
  2. Be wary of downed power lines and standing water
  3. Use caution when entering buildings
  4. Document damage for insurance claims
  5. Be alert for gas leaks
  6. Disinfect everything that got wet to prevent mold


7. Resident Emergency Kit

Your residents should prepare an emergency kit to sustain their household for at least 72 hours if things go south. Recommendations include:

  • Water: One gallon per person per day
  • Non-perishable food: Focus on nutrient-dense, easy-to-prepare items
  • Manual can opener
  • First aid kit and prescription medications
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radioFlashlights and extra batteries
  • Portable chargers for mobile devices
  • Personal hygiene items and sanitation supplies
  • Important documents in waterproof containers
  • Cash and change
  • Sleeping bags or warm blanket
  • Change of clothes
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles, cards, or other non-electronic entertainment

Hurricane Preparedness requires careful planning, preparation, and swift action. By staying informed, utilizing property management software like ONR for resident notifications, assigning responsibilities for securing the property, stocking up on emergency supplies, and creating a communication plan, you can increase your chances of staying safe during these intense storms. Remember, thorough preparation can mean the difference between weathering the storm and facing dire consequences. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and most importantly, stay safe.