Staff over residents

January 18, 2024 Sasha Cancél

   Working smarter, not harder, is this year’s motto, preventing staff burnout. As we rock into 2024, the property management scene is buzzing with a mix of excitement and challenges—and one seems to be escalating every year: burnout, a total energy drain that increasingly more people have been suffering under the pressure of high-performance in fast-paced work scenarios. 

Until fairly recently, property management companies prioritized the owner and resident’s needs, sacrificing the staff’s wellbeing. Do not underestimate your staff’s physical and emotional quality of life. Having a strong property management team in 2024 is fundamental to maintaining a robust and cohesive community in associations. 

Here are some effective strategies to understand burnout and avoid it by maintaining your rhythm in the demanding world of property management.


What exactly is burnout?

This phenomenon has become common in the modern world, with 77% of employees have experienced burnout at their current jobs, across various professions and lifestyles. It’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion brought on by prolonged and excessive stress. Understanding burnout, its symptoms, and its impact is crucial for addressing it effectively and regaining a sense of balance and well-being.

The high-stress environment, long hours, emotional labor, lack of control, and insufficient resources in property management amplify burnout risks. Recognizing these triggers, therefore, is a crucial first step in devising effective countermeasures.


The Impact of Burnout

The effects of burnout extend beyond the individual, spilling over into every area of life, including home, work, and social interactions. It can cause long-term changes in your body, making you more susceptible to illnesses like colds and flu. Recognizing and addressing burnout is essential due to its far-reaching consequences.

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout

Physical and emotional symptoms are indicators of burnout. Physically, you may feel tired and drained most of the time, experience frequent illnesses, headaches, or muscle pain, and notice changes in appetite or sleep habits. Emotionally, burnout can manifest as a sense of failure and self-doubt; moreover, it often includes feelings of helplessness, detachment, and a loss of motivation. Additionally, individuals may experience a cynical and negative outlook, leading to decreased satisfaction and a diminished sense of accomplishment.


Eight Signs of Burnout

– Feeling like you’re constantly at 1% battery (emotionally and physically).

– Lowered immunity, frequent illnesses that can affect the workforce and business performance.

– Frequent headaches or muscle pain that leads to more sedentary work.

– Change in appetite or sleep habits that disrupt your homeostasis and optimal state.

– Sense of failure and self-doubt; the mind takes over and spirals down the rabbit hole.

– Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated—the formula to depression.

– Feeling alone in the world, inexistent teamwork, bad communication.

– Increasingly cynical and negative outlook. Loss of motivation and sense of purpose.

Key Strategies to Avoid Burnout

  • Take Care of Your Team
  • Prioritize your staff’s well-being over the residents. This may sound counterintuitive, but your colleagues are the main pillars holding HOAs and associations together. A frail property management team leads to a weak community.
  • Adopt Efficient Property Management Software: By utilizing platforms like ONR, you can significantly streamline operations and lessen workload. Consequently, this leads to a more efficient management process and helps reduce the risk of burnout.
  • Maintain Work-Life Balance
  • Set Clear Boundaries: According to a ZipDo report, 72% of employees believe that employers should offer work-life balance benefits. Establishing and adhering to defined work hours ensures time for personal life and relaxation.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Intermittently, pauses help rejuvenate the mind and mitigate stress. Additionally, the World Economic Forum found that 48% of people would leave a job if it prevented them from enjoying their life, thus highlighting the importance of balance.
  • Streamline Work Processes
  • Automate Routine Tasks: Employing technology for repetitive tasks allows focusing on more critical job aspects. Automation can significantly reduce the time spent on mundane tasks, improving overall efficiency.
  • Organize and Plan: Keeping a structured schedule prevents last-minute rushes and stress. Automation in planning and scheduling can lead to a more organized work environment.
  • Build a Supportive Work Environment
  • Promote Teamwork: Encouraging teamwork for even workload distribution creates a supportive atmosphere. Consequently, a collaborative environment can enhance job satisfaction and significantly reduce individual stress levels.
  • Effective Communication: Clear communication with your team and clients is essential for effective expectation management. Consequently, this approach can lead to a more harmonious work environment and significantly reduce misunderstandings.
  • Invest in Personal Development
  • Continuous Learning: To stay updated with industry trends, it’s essential to invest in professional growth. Furthermore, regular feedback and learning opportunities can provide new perspectives and greatly aid in role advancement.
  • Seek Feedback: Feedback is a valuable tool for growth and improvement. Additionally, it can help identify areas of strength as well as areas needing development.
  • Focus on Physical and Mental Health
  • Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into your routine reduces stress and improves overall health. Exercise has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mental health.
  • Mindfulness Practices: According to Journalist Allison Robinson, in her insightful Forbes article, stress is the main cause of burnout. Engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga can significantly improve mental well-being. These practices can help manage stress and improve focus and concentration.


The Role of Technology in Preventing Burnout

Property management software like significantly lightens the daily task load for property management, preventing staff burnout. Having a cohesive, user-friendly platform that allows for the automation of routine tasks (such as maintenance requests, tenant communication, and financial reporting) is essential to keep our team in high spirits. 

This integration saves time and diminishes stress by simplifying operations and improving resident communication, thus enhancing satisfaction and minimizing conflicts. ONR’s cost-effective management and data-driven insights aid in informed decision-making and proactive issue management. Additionally, its mobile-friendly nature ensures property managers can manage tasks flexibly.

Preventing staff burnout in property management in 2024 demands a comprehensive approach, integrating work-life balance, supportive work environments, personal development, physical and mental health, and strategic technology use. Tools like ONR are not mere utilities; instead, they act as partners in your journey toward a balanced, sustainable career in property management. Embracing these strategies and utilizing solutions like ONR empowers property managers to not only prevent burnout but also excel in their roles, providing outstanding service to clients and communities.

Discover more tips and insights to improve your work and explore how ONR can revolutionize your property management experience. Book a demo today to stay ahead of the game and make burnout a thing of the past.
