What Rockstar Managers Look for in Their Next Management Role

August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023 Sasha Cancél

Tuning a guitar requires a delicate touch, a fine balance between too tight and too slack—that’s precisely how one could picture a career in property management. In the grand jam-session of the corporate realm, every subtle adjustment and every calculated move resonates with purpose. The maestros of management are akin to lead guitarists—each chord they strike is one of efficiency, foresight, and ambition.

They navigate a world electrified by technology, where data sets the tempo and managers serve as the adept conductors. Yet, it’s not just about keeping pace; it’s about setting the rhythm. Success isn’t handed on a silver platter; it’s earned through a dance that melds precision with agility, and instinct with insight. So, what are the moves that separate those in the mosh pit from those taking center stage?

Let’s delve into the strategies the Rockstar Managers are after:


The Golden Five: Tools of the Titans

1. Digital Property Management Platforms

According to the National Property Management Association, 73% of top-tier property managers in 2022 attributed their efficiency to comprehensive management platforms. It’s their digital dashboard, their command center, taking the pulse of everything from tenant satisfaction to revenue cycles.


2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Here’s a hard fact: properties with integrated CRMs have shown a 17% increase in tenant retention year-over-year. For managers, it’s not just software; it’s the crystal ball predicting which relationships need nurturing and which prospects are turning lukewarm.


3. Modern Communication Tools

A Forbes report highlighted that companies fostering effective communication reported a 47% higher return to shareholders. In a sector where clarity can make or break a deal, tools like Slack, Monday, ONR, or Microsoft Teams are more than just apps—they’re the lifelines keeping teams synchronized.


4. Energy Management Systems

The Real Estate Environmental Benchmark recently underscored that properties employing energy management systems reduced costs by an average of 14% annually. But beyond the cost, it’s about stewardship—overseeing not just bricks and mortar but a sustainable future.


5. Dynamic Learning Platforms

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. With platforms offering tailored training, managers can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that their skill set doesn’t become the industry’s cassette tape in a Spotify world.


Company Culture: The New Currency

Culture isn’t just about coffee machines and ping-pong tables. A Deloitte survey indicates that 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is crucial to a business’s success. The contemporary manager seeks environments that value inclusivity, foster innovation, consider environmental actions, and prioritize well-being over mere attendance.


As remote work dynamics evolve, the culture’s very DNA is set to undergo a metamorphosis. Expect a greater emphasis on results over office hours (no more seat warming in claustrophobic cubicles) and a strong consideration of mental and emotional well-being over mere physical presence. The future workplace might be more virtual, but the bonds forged could be more real than ever.


Career Clarity: The North Star

Every manager knows that stasis is the precursor to obsolescence. In property management, the journey becomes as vital as the destination:


1. Tailored Professional Development

According to McKinsey, companies that prioritize skill development are 45% more likely to report a growth in market share. Rockstar managers seek firms that invest in evolving their talent, sharpening their competitive edge in the process.


2. Mentorship Programs

There’s data and then there’s wisdom. One gives information; the other gives perspective. Structured mentorship offers a bridge from the former to the latter, paving the path from good to great.


3. Diverse Role Opportunities

A Harvard Business Review study found that managers exposed to diverse roles are 150% more likely to achieve executive positions. The elite manager, then, doesn’t want to be chained to their position. They seek a spectrum of challenges, each adding a unique hue to their professional palette.

We live in a world where the boundaries between tech and touch, between data and decision, are blurring. In such a landscape, the top-tier managers in property management don’t just adapt; they anticipate. For businesses, the message is clear: to attract the best, you need more than just providing a job. You need to offer a journey, a quest of growth, impact, and evolution that is tangible—and helps improve quality of life across the board.
